
February 26, 2018


February 26, 2018

Though CEE member support, the efficiency of food service refrigeration equipment has significantly advanced since the launch of the CEE Commercial Refrigeration Specification in 2003, with models today saving over 1,000 kWh more annually than models in 2003. Building on this earlier success, CEE members are coming together through the CEE Commercial and Industrial Program Planning Committee to identify and develop other potential savings opportunities for programs in C&I refrigeration.

Refrigeration accounts for 16 percent of total commercial electricity consumption, on par with lighting at 17 percent--but for some of the most common refrigeration equipment types in markets such as food sales, no efficiency differentiation beyond the federal minimum currently exists. Meanwhile, a 2009 DOE report estimates that commercial refrigeration equipment has an energy savings potential of approximately 0.41 quads per year.

Get in touch with the CEE Commercial and Industrial Program Planning Committee to help develop increased refrigeration savings.

CEE is well positioned to promote energy efficient equipment in the food sales market, including products used in supermarkets, convenience stores, and superstores such as open display cases and remote condensing equipment, by leveraging its longstanding relationships with refrigeration industry players like True, Hussman, and Heatcraft. Depending on member interest and the magnitude of savings, there may be an opportunity for CEE to develop an initiative that supports program administrators resource acquisition and market transformation goals by targeting specific savings in commercial refrigeration--the third largest electric energy consumer in buildings after HVAC and lighting.

To be successful, CEE needs committee members who are subject matter experts in commercial refrigeration. Contact program manager Laura Thomas to get involved.

About CEE
CEE is an award-winning consortium of efficiency program administrators from the United States and Canada. Members work to unify program approaches across jurisdictions to increase the success of efficiency in markets. By joining forces at CEE, individual electric and gas efficiency programs are able to partner not only with each other, but also with other industries, trade associations, and government agencies. Working together, administrators leverage the effect of their ratepayer funding, exchange information on successful practices and, by doing so, achieve greater energy efficiency for the public good.