

CEE members are investor-owned or municipal utilities, state or provincial energy offices, government agencies, and nonutility program administrators. What they all have in common is a mission to serve the public by encouraging their customers to use efficient products and practices. Each state or province whose policies pursue energy efficiency sets goals and measures efforts differently, but all program administrators need to increase the supply and demand for energy efficient products and services, invest wisely, and do so effectively and credibly.

CEE organizes its day-to-day work into committees that address specific opportunities for end uses, systems, or structures independent of fuel. CEE members share their diverse perspectives to develop a collective wisdom that leads to strategic national initiatives.

Program administrators are the majority of members, but nonprofit organizations focused on integrated demand side management objectives may join. For example, members include national laboratories and public interest groups that advocate for energy efficiency. While excluded from membership, firms that make, deliver, or distribute efficient products and services are encouraged to contribute market and technical intelligence. Membership is for those entrusted with investing public dollars for public purposes.

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