Truly exceptional, aspirational energy efficiency performance
Attracts early adopters
Ideally, two or more manufacturers
Brings attention to top performers
Cost-effective in the future
CEE Tier 2/3
Tiers above ENERGY STAR® minimum when performance merits differentiated incentives
Typically three or more manufacturers in a category
Cost-effective for customer with incentive
Cost-effective for most market transformation programs
Tier 1
Cost-effective for programs when CEE Tier 1 aligns with ENERGY STAR®
Top 25% of models
Cost-effective for customer
Multiple manufacturers make product widely available
Tier 0
A level with planned obsolescence. This could be at a specific date (e.g., when new federal minimum standards go into effect), or open to a point at which the Committee deems the specification no longer necessary (e.g., market saturation reaches a given level).
Intended to enable program administrators the ability to obtain high product volume in order to meet their energy savings goals.